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The soft tissue coagulator uses a combination of helium gas and alternating current to deliver energy to tissue. Its main advantage over other equipment currently available for achieving coagulation and haemostasis is the use of very low power levels in laparoscopic mode.

The energy is delivered efficiently in a non-touch mode via the Helium gas, which is easier to ionise than Carbon Dioxide, Air and Argon. The physical effects are controlled by modifying the power to produce effects similar to those of the Argon Bean Coagulator.

At low power settings and with optimal Helium beam control techniques, thermal energy transmitted to surrounding tissues is minimised.  Below 4W, spot helium beam temperature on the surface is below 100°C with cool down to 60°C in less than 2 seconds*.  Above 4W, spot Helium beam temperature on the surface can reach above 150°C with cool down to 60°C in less than 5 seconds*.  As such, targeted tissues can be fulgurated efficiently with minimal thermal injury to surrounding tissues. 

*Based on internal thermal test measurements



Penetration depth is determined by power setting used and elapsed time of application. Low power setting and short time of application will result in penetration depth as low as 1 cell depth. For desired precision depth and least amount of heat transmission to surrounding tissues, apply Helium beam in continuous strokes - 'circular' or 'zig-zag' strokes are recommended. Egg white was used for the video demonstration

Circular Stroke

Zig-Zag Stroke

Application time is expected to be more than 1 second for power settings between 2W-4W, depending on tissue characteristics. Application time can be less than 1 second for power settings above 4W, when recommended optimum helium beam control methods are used.


Fulgurate - penetration depth between 1 cell and 1mm

Coagulate  - superficial coagulation; best results with small bleeders

Cut (drilling) - perform ovarian drilling with Helica probes that come with retractable cutting tip

Cut (Incision) - unable to perform pure incision

Seal -  no capability

Divide - Helium induced division with Helica probes that come with  retractable cutting tip. unable to divide organs stuck together

Lateral Spread

Pig Liver

One Second Application

Lateral spread liver.jpg

Lateral spread 2.5mm - 7mm

Pig Loin

Lateral spread loin.jpg

Lateral spread 1.5mm-5mm

One Second Application

Tightening Effect

Pig Liver

2W Power Setting - Time Lapse Capture


1 second exposure

3 seconds exposure

5 seconds exposure

8 seconds exposure

Pig Intestine

2W Power Setting

2w (4).JPG


Reduced Electrical Burn Risk


Helica power starts with 2W

Lower Gas Embolism Risk 

Normal diastolic


(60mm Hg) 

Helium gas


(50mm Hg)


Hand held at 6W

Precision Surgery At Lower Power And Gas Pressure

Precision Depth At Lower Power Settings Compared To Argon Beam Coagulator


In Vitro Comparison Of The Helica Thermal Coagulator and The Argon Beam Coagulator

(click to zoom)

Helium Gas Is Lighter Than Argon Gas Used In Argon Beam Coagulator

Helium is a light gas and can be ionised at power as low as 2W.  Argon gas used in the Argon Beam Coagulator is heavy and will require higher power to ionise.  As a result, Argon gas pressure and flow rates will be higher.


Treats Endometriosis with confidence


1. (Reference Extraction - 3rd last paragraph) Helica- A Revolutionary New Surgical Treatment For Endometriosis  -  Dr Richard King
2 Another Wave At An Old Chestnut The Helium Beam Coagulator In The Treatment Of Endometriosis – Dr G Cumming & K Philips
3. Laproscopic Treatment Of Pelvic Pain Associated With Minimal and Mild Endometriosis With Use Of The Helica Thermal Coagulator - Dr Nardom, Moustafa, Beymon
4. Safety Of The Helica Thermal Coagulator In Treatment Of Early Stage Endometriosis – Dr Hill, El-Toukhy, Chandaka, Grigoriades, Erian
5. Helium Beam Coagulation in the treatment of endometriosis: A six year study - Dr S J Stock & P Dewart


Otorholaryngology (trials)

The Penetrative Effect Of The Helica In Vivo

Helica Thermal Coagulator was tested on abdominal walls from the serosal sides on adult male wistar rats,

Source: The Penetrative effect Of The Helica Thermal Coagulator In Vivo - J. L. Turvill and P. Domizio
(Source Paper 6)

Penetrative effect in vivo (on rat) imag


Health Science Authority Device Information:

(Class C) The device is a helium gas electrosurgical coagulator for use in all soft tissue surgery-laparoscopic, endoscopic and open.

Helica Front View.jpg

Helium Gas Consumption:

Helium Volume (Laproscopcic Surgery Mode): 2 litres/min*

Helium Volume (Open Surgery Mode): 2.2 Litres/min*

*Volume may reduce with back pressure

Helium Gas Tank Capacity:

1 helium tank has 1200 litres

Helium Beam Distance:

5mm to 10mm


Weight and Input Power:

Weight: 7 kg
Europe: 230V 2A 50Hz

USA: 110V 4A 60HZ


Output Power:

2W to 12W, 16W, 33W


system spec

Doctors' Experience 

*Over One Thousand Patients With Early Stage Endometriosis Treated With HTC: Safety Aspects  - Hill, McQueen, Morey, Hanna, Chandakas, El-Toukhy, Erian (source paper 7)
**Helica-A Revolutionary New Surgical Treatment For Early Stage Endometriosis – Dr Richard King (source paper 1)
*** Current settings used by Dr Suresh Nair, Singapore

Information displayed in table above is extracted from Helica papers, written by respective authors or based on current clinical practice. Final Helica settings are always determined by doctor's own professional expertise and experience.

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Cutting Tip


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Available Probes

Laproscopic Surgery

LTC: PTFE 4mm ø x 310 mm / Retractable Cutting Tip

LT: PTFE 4mm ø x 310 mm

Open Surgery

OCL90: PTFE 4mm ø x 88 mm / Cutting

Helica Asia Pacific Private Limited

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